metaCode Louisville

a website about a class about making websites



HTML Documentation: Mozilla Developer Network Documentation (MDN) CSS Documentation: Mozilla Developer Network Documentation (MDN) jQuery Documentation: JavaScript Library JavaScript Documentation: Anything you would ever want to know about JavaScript AJAX Documentation: Mozilla Developer Network Documentation (MDN) Bootstrap: documentation and CDN links for Bootstrap, jQuery and JavaScript


Elements : Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) Forms : Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) Tables : Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) Character Reference Chart : World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Accessibility : Mozilla Developer Network (MDN)


Google Fonts: great opensource webfonts Color Data Types: Mozilla Developer Network Documentation (MDN) Coolors: JavaScript Library Adobe Color CC: Adobe tool to create color schemes


CSS Selectors: Mozilla Developer Network Documentation (MDN) CSS Properties: Mozilla Developer Network Documentation (MDN) CSS Data Types: Mozilla Developer Network Documentation (MDN) FlexBox Documentation: Mozilla Developer Network Documentation (MDN) Flexbox Cheatsheet: Opensource github project by yoksel that does a great job to help conceptualize Flexbox.


Standard Objects: Mozilla Developer Network Documentation (MDN) Grammar and Types: Mozilla Developer Network Documentation (MDN) MDN Repository of facts: Mozilla Developer Network Documentation (MDN) JavaScript Event Reference: Mozilla Developer Network Documentation (MDN)