metaCode Louisville

a website about a class about making websites

This website was created to be a reference guide for creating future projects, as well as a working example of these concepts. It contains definitions, best practices, easy links to documentation as well as a holding ground for my current projects. This is a work in progress, and will be frequently updated as I continue to learn new tips and tricks. Be sure to check the README and source code for additional information and comments.


Here are HTML elements that I found to be useful while creating this website. This focuses mainly on common html elements and what they are normally used for with an emphasis on content and structure. This section also contains major definitions, information about reserved characters in HTML, information about designing for accessibility and HTML Documentation.


Here are the the main types of CSS Selectors and how/when to use them. CSS should controll all of the styling of the site, with a focus on generic class based selectors that can easily be used across an entire website.


Here are some useful JavaScript and JQuery links and tips to get you started programming. It focuses mainly on loops and manipulating the DOM (Document Object Model), you can see working examples of these concepts in my side projects as well as the button layout in css.html.

Current Projects